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BAFTA news!

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No, I haven’t won a BAFTA (I wish, one day!!). But, I have (very excitingly) been selected for BAFTA Connect – a community and career development programme for creatives working in film, games and TV.

Places are very limited, so I’m equal parts speechless and grateful to have been accepted. My career path to date hasn’t been the straightest of lines (whose is these days?!), so this feels like a little reassurance from an esteemed organisation that I’m heading in the right direction. And that yeah, I am a bloody proper writer!

I have big ambitions for the next few years, so I’m excited to see what the programme has to offer and to meet my peers from across the country. Membership lasts 3 years, so that's plenty of time to beef up my knowledge and network, and to keep growing creatively.

Could this be my time to join a writer’s room? Land an agent?! Write and direct my own major project?!?

A gal can dream <3


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